Dyaniel Biswas

Brother Dyaniel is our Evangelist /Project Coordinator of Children and Women Welfare. His Testimony is Below.

Praise the Lord,

This is Dyaniel Biswas. I was born in a Christian family in 17th July, 1993. My father was a continental cook and my mother is a housewife. I have two elder brothers. I’m the youngest son of Biswas family. Brother of Hilton Rami Biswas. As a true believer of Jesus Christ, every person should have testimony in their life. Jesus Christ work through their life. So as a true believer I have testimony in my life. My testimony is simple. But I passed hard time from my childhood to the adolescence period. I saw many ups and downs in my family.

When I was born, my father worked in an embassy as a cook. We lived in Dhaka. That time my family condition was well Afterward my father went to Libya as chef but unfortunately Libya was barricaded by USA. That time my father couldn’t send money. and my family faced a very complex situation. Because my father was the breadwinner, my older brother had to stop his education and joined a small electrical shop as a helper to provide for our family. That time we had very little as my elder brother couldn’t properly support our family with his poor income. My father came back to Bangladesh and couple years later he got a job. At that time everything was going well. I and my two brothers were going to school. But few years later my elder brother engaged with bad company and we left Dhaka.

During that time my father became sick and jobless, and again, my older brother managed our family. He opened a computer school, but suddenly, his business failed. When I was 10, again my family faced a hard situation and my education was stopped. We moved back to Dhaka for job but my older brother didn’t get something suitable. We were passing very hard time and stayed in a very small room. We would not eat properly, often time just one meal in a day. My older brother did different jobs and his wife worked in school but their income was poor. My education has been completely closed.

When I was 14 at that time my one uncle came to our house and he wanted to take care of me so my family decided to give me to him. They were very sad but they made this hard decision. Since my childhood to my adolescence period, I didn’t know about the True God (Jesus Christ) because my family was far from God. When I went to my uncle, my life gradually changed as my uncle was a pastor. He admitted me to a school & sometimes I worked with him in church. Gradually, I knew more about God. I believed in God & was baptized in 2010. Afterward, I worked in his mission field and preached in church. I was totally engaged with God’s work. Several years I had been separated from my family.

I completed my Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) then I came back to my family and I was admitted into a college. Beside my education, I have worked in different places to help my family. One day my uncle gave me an offer to study Theology. I was very happy and praised to God for this magnificent opportunity and I completed my Theology Degree. For my family I worked in different places but I noticed one thing, I was not happy such kind of secular work and God didn’t engage me in secular work for long time. When I preach God’s word and work for Him, I felt peace in my heart because He (Jesus Christ) chooses me for his work. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

I am now completely engaged in God’s work since late 2013 as I am working with GMFC as an overseer with my brother Hilton in Bangladesh and preaching Gospel to the lost while helping the orphan and widow (James 1:27). I want to continue the work of Jesus and endure to the end of my life for God to be finally saved (Matthew 10:22).

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