Hilton Biswas

Testimony of Pastor Hilton Biswas – Our mission overseer since 2013 in Bangladesh.

It was 1984, the 29th of October, I was born in Gopalgonj, Bangladesh. My father was a continental cook and he worked in CARE Bangladesh. We had our own home at that time. My father had a small business in Khulna District but when I was in 6 years old, the business had failed due to bad economic situation in our country. And that time his job contract period was finished and we went into debt. At last we sold our home and moved from Khulna to Dhaka. There my father got a job at an embassy as cook. My second brother was born in 1989 and I got admission to school. I continued my studies and when I was 9, my third brother was born in 1993. We thought all our problems had been solved because everything was going well in our life.

When I was in 16 years old, my father went to Libya for job, but Libya was barricaded by USA, thus, my father could not send us any money for support. It was at this time our family faced a critical situation and my education stopped. For my families liabilities, I joined an electrical shop as an electrician helper. After a year, my father came back in Bangladesh without income and was jobless for two years. My meager income did not supply all the family needs. I soon became drug-addicted and engaged with bad company. My father got a job after two years and I stopped my work to go back to school again. When I was a candidate of Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C), my father became sick and my family faced the same problem again. My education was totally stopped.

Again, I joined a new job. At this time, my age was 18 years. Beside my work, I started to learn computers. In the day I did electric work, at evening time I learned computer and at night I did artwork. One year had gone by and my education stopped as I totally forsook my religious life. I didn’t go to the church and wasted my valuable time engaged with bad friends. I also engaged with dishonest act, crime, etc. Some of my friends do an act of enmity with me. They threatened to kill me because I was their only witness of all crimes. My father decided to leave Dhaka and we had to leave Dhaka at night.

We settled in the village and I started at a computer school which was really good for me. I also at this time met a girl in this village that was 19 years. I really loved here but her family did not want to give her permission to marriage me because they knew about my past life. So, we decided we will wait to marry with their permission and eventually they agreed. We got married in 2002, 5th October but I do not leave drugs and also did not attend Church or hold to any faith. My wife and my family told me to attend Church but I did not, because for my life’s story I did not truly believe in God. I blamed the world for my problems and choose not to repent, yet as you will see. Also, I did not attend my family prayer meeting and my business had fallen. Me and my wife came again Dhaka for job, it was 2004, February. She found a job in a school and got some tuition, but I did not find a job so I worked with a computer shop and at night I worked at an art shop. One year passed and I got a job as an engineer at a computer firm. In 2006, 18th August my daughter was born. Sadly, the company I worked for closed and again I come jobless. It was 2009.

2009, 26th February, I joined an MLM company and I worked there 2 years. I earned some income from there and my mother told me that God provided you the money because I prayed to Him for you and He answered me. I believe it because from the beginning of my life I faced many problems. I believed my mother because in every critical situation in our family my mother’s prayer seemed to be answered. When she prayed, I saw tears all the time in her eyes, she was greatly devoted to God I saw the power of prayer. I felt at this point I had to change my mind, truly give my love to Jesus and pray like her, but I could not. She told me just close your eye and try to think about God, think about your life what is given by Him and I continued to cry out. I also started to attend Church every Sunday. I forsook and repented of my bad habits, I regretted and I apologized to God. I believed He forgave me and I became born-again. God helped me too after I repented. Amen.

In 2010, 2nd January I start a School for poor children because I did not study for the money. I continue the school in my MLM income, but in 2011, Bangladesh Government declare MLM business is illegal and my business was closed. Again, I come jobless. My mother told me that this is a test from God because He wants to know if you really believe Him or not. At this moment, I decided that I will work for God. I start Bible theology study and I start my ministry for youth and children.

From the time I truly repented from my sins and started to walk holy and perfect with Jesus, it is a miracle that I done so many things for Him in Bangladesh. We now have a Christian School, multiple fellowships and help support dozens of children and widows. I believe that I will continue my work for Him til’ the end. Amen

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