
Does Your Son or Daughter or Sibling Live in a Dump?

These people are not lazy… They did not get themselves in this situation (living in a dump) like so many (not all) on the streets of the 1st World do. To absolutely no fault of their own, these precious souls were viciously lied to and have ended up living in a garbage dump just for trying to provide for their family!

We have been asked “where have you been”… “are you still doing missions for Jesus”, etc? ANSWER: MORE THAN EVER! : ) We opened up the country of India for our mission (Kolkata & Barasat) in January and the last few months have been extremely busy, not only here in India, but also in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia & Bangladesh where we have been serving for 10+ years supporting indigenous missionaries who serve the orphans, widows and the “least of these”. So, I apologize for not updating all our mission websites and social media pages for a bit, but please know, we are in much need of financial help more than ever. 100% of every “penny” donated goes directly to the poorest of the poor to feed, clothe, provide shelter and preach Christ as the only way to Heaven (John 14:6 KJV). A perfect case in point is when I was recovering from a (very successful) 5 level back fusion in India, I found a few dozen families living in a DUMP that were promised jobs, shelter, etc if they moved from Bangladesh to India, which they did. I will not get into the details of what really happened other than it’s DEMONIC! With that said, the Lord directed us to this place in a way only HE could and I would like to share with you dozens of pictures and videos from just the 1st week of serving these precious souls (as of 5-24-2023). It will be updated as time goes on:


Of course, our main goal is to preach Jesus to them as we obey James 1:27 and hundreds of other Holy Scriptures that command true Christians to help the poor. Join me in serving the most impoverished people on earth. Back to the US to make more money to help these forgotten, downtrodden souls. Join me (1 John 3:17 KJV).

Please help these precious souls here >>> https://globalmissionforchildren.org/donate

-Jimmy Miller (Founder/Volunteer) Working Faith Fellowship Church & Global Mission for Children

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